Archbishop's Annual Appeal 2024

In His Presence all things are made new.

It is through thoughtful reflection upon the gifts that we have been given that if each one of us commits to do our part we can exceed this year’s $9.4 million goal and spread His love through good works like campus ministries, Catholic Charities, Laudato Si’, seminarian formation, disabilities ministries, parish pre-school programs and more. 

As stewards of the gifts that He has provided, God places in us a need to give and that sacrificial giving can change and open us more fully to the working of God’s grace. What a beautiful opportunity to practice our faith through the sharing of our blessings! 

Father Urey Mark serving at Mass at the Lyke House

Campus Ministries

“The Newman Center is the presence of the Church at the non-Catholic university. I show the pastoral care of the Church through accompaniment, empathy, and love to be the gateway for the next generation of stewards.”

– Fr. Urey P. Mark,
Lyke House Catholic Newman Center at the Atlanta University Center

Archdiocesan Seminarians

“It gives me so much Joy to be pursuing this vocation where I’ll be able to accompany people as they encounter Christ and journey with people in their joys and their difficulties."

– Jacob Butz, Archdiocese of Atlanta Seminarian

Seminarians serving mass
Woman giving woman care basket at her home

Catholic Charities Atlanta

“We are charged with loving our neighbors and caring for the vulnerable. I get to do that with my work at St Joseph Place. I get to set a standard of excellence of how we communicate God’s love in action.

Monifa Holman, Catholic Charities Atlanta

Laudato Si'

“In His Presence is where we all find joy and peace, as well as comfort and consolation. Just as Christ gives Himself to us in the Eucharist, by your sacrificial giving to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal to serve our brothers and sisters, you become Eucharist for others, making His love present throughout north and central Georgia.​”

- Susan Varlamoff,
Laudato Si Initiative, St. John Neumann Creation Care Team

Laudato Si group picture

Your participation in the 2024 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal not only funds the programs, ministries and services directly assisting many individuals and families but also parishes, missions, and schools as they carry out the good work of the Church throughout north and central Georgia.  

See how the power of your gift supports the Archdiocese of Atlanta.
Infographic (3)

When we come together in His Presence and make all things new, we touch the lives and hearts of others through our selfless giving and create opportunities for new encounters with the living hope of Christ. 

Archbishop talking to people

In case you missed the Archbishop's Homily...

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