Archbishop's Annual Appeal Impact Stories

Read the stories of our parishioners and the schools, parishes, and ministries they serve throughout the Archdiocese of Atlanta, which are partially financially supported by the Archbishop's Annual Appeal.

How Kelly Kinne Supports Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic School, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal 

“The true mission of Catholic education: to lead our students away from sin and to the light that is Jesus Christ. It is such an honor to be a part of that mission.”

How Kevin Supports Catholic Charities Atlanta with Mental Health Counseling, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

“We rely on the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal donations to be able to help the families and individuals we serve. You are being a faithful follower of Christ in showing such generosity to those in need, and you have my deep gratitude and prayers” 

Meet Mark Piendel, a Seminarian in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

“As a seminarian, I am in an intentional process of prayerfully learning to live as Christ did and be sent on a mission to a broken world – something only possible with support from many, many, people.” 

Meet Ms. Anderson, Teacher and Alum of Saint Peter Claver Catholic School, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

“We nurture in each student a sense of uniqueness—an awareness of his/her self-worth, self-esteem, and God-given talents. Each student is seen as an integral member of the total church, school, home, and civic community. We strive to develop each child’s greatest individual potential and put God at the forefront of all we do.” 

How Sister Miriam Mendoza, RFR Supports Hispanic & Latino Ministry, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

“Sharing with different cultures, traditions and languages; It has been an experience of immense blessings. it is a great joy to see how God works in different ways when you really are His instruments.” 

How Teal Haddock Supports Marriage and Family Life Ministry, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

“To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1 “

How Tessa Liles Supports Campus Ministry at KSU, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

“Because of your support to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, the Catholic Center has truly been a space to be myself and be prepared to continue running after the Lord and seeking His will for my life after college. Be assured your support is bearing tremendous fruit.”

Meet Thomas Fagbamiye, Active Member of Black Catholic Ministry, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

“By giving to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, you are truly making a difference and embodying the spirit of faith and love as one family. The person who gives with a smile is the best giver because God loves a cheerful giver. Thank you for your support and generosity.”

How Andy Nguyễn Supports the Catholic Vietnamese Community, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

“God has given every one of us the biggest gift: “The gift of Life”, His Unconditioned Love and the freedom to choose how we live our lives, by giving to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, we have the opportunity to say to God: “God, I am living and practicing what you are giving and teaching us, use me to spread your words and love to all people”.

How Christie Crane Supports Christmas Connections with Catholic Charities Atlanta, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

As stewards of the gifts that He has provided, God places a need to give and that sacrificial giving can change and open us more fully to the working of God’s grace.

Meet Cynthia Alvarado, Eucharistic Missionary and Eucharistic Congress Attendee, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

 “Without God’s love and grace, we cannot love and inspire others. This is my prayer.”

Meet Deacon Norm Keller, Member of the Permanent Diaconate, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

“My family gives every year to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, and I encourage everyone to give because of the many great charities that the gifts support, with exceptional support for our seminarians and priests.  Without our priests, we could not have Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Where would any of us be without receiving Jesus in the Eucharist? ”

Meet Deacon Steve Swope, Member of the Permanent Diaconate, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

“Part of every Catholic’s responsibility is to work against society’s culture of “Me” and adopt the Christ-like culture of “We and Thee.” By supporting local charities, parishes, and the Archdiocese with prayers and financial resources we act as Christ did, putting others’ needs first and in doing so are responding to the Universal Call to Holiness.”

Meet Delaney Faas, a Former Campus Ministry Leader at Georgia College & State University, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

“When you give to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, your support helps communities like the Georgia College Campus Catholics Ministry which reaches out to students who may be struggling or alone, and give them a place and a family where they and their faith will be nurtured and able to thrive!”

Meet Efraín García, Member of the Hispanic & Latino Ministry, Funded by the Archbishop’s Appeal

“Throughout my journey and migration to the U.S. , I have faced various struggles, but I am deeply grateful to the Lord for guiding me through them and for the support of those who give to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Our Hispanic families would not have the many tools and resources that enable us to sustain our faith and continue our journey together without this support.” 

How Ian Chorne Supports Campus Ministry at Kennesaw State University, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

“I find this scripture very reassuring, especially during the many stressful moments of college: John 14:18-31.… I will not leave you desolate.”

Archbishop's Annual Appeal

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