Catholic Charities Atlanta Mental Health Services

The need for mental health services is exploding in Georgia, but there are nowhere near enough providers. Currently, Georgia ranks 49th in the country for access to mental health care. Low-income families are at a higher risk for needing services because of the added stress of living in poverty and they have less access to get the help that they need.

Finding a qualified, professional therapist to assist in overcoming life’s problems can be an important decision for both individuals and families. Unfortunately, cost is the number one obstacle to those seeking the care that they need.

Catholic Charities Atlanta is working to change that in our community. Play is a child’s way of communicating, just as adults use words. Play Therapy encourages open and voluntary communication, reducing stress and building trust. Children learn to regulate their emotions as their self-esteem is elevated. This open communication fosters learning while promoting acceptable behavior and creative problem-solving providing children with the tools they need to thrive.

Catholic Charities Atlanta’s community-based outpatient mental health and counseling services focus on the challenges families and individuals face in dealing with life transitions, unexpected tragedies, and mental health issues. Catholic Charities Atlanta helps clients gain the skills to effectively cope with life’s challenges showing them compassion and providing a path back to good mental health.

Catholic Charities Atlanta Parenting Program
“God used Catholic Charities to bring me back to life so that I could be a wife and mother again. Were it not for them, I’m sure I would be dead. They gave me back my life."
– Patrika

But without adding more qualified counselors, Catholic Charities Atlanta is limited in reaching low-income families who need access to mental health services. The backlog for appointments is up to 3 weeks and growing.

You can help Catholic Charities provide vital mental health services when they are needed and show those suffering a compassionate path back to the stability they need. The need is great, but any contribution makes a difference to someone waiting for help.

Make a difference to someone waiting for help

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