Laudato Si’

We are called to care for the Earth that God has created for us. The goal of Laudato Si’ is to plant the seed and grow our parishes into good stewards of their environmental resources which will save them money and promote consistent care for our earth for generations to come  

Since 2020, there have been 30 parishes in our archdiocese that have integrated steps of the Laudato Si’ Action Plan. Successes include: 

  • St. Catherine of Siena Church installed an eco-friendly heating system which has resulted in annual savings of more than $16,000 and a decrease in greenhouse gas emissions by 11%. 
  • St. Mary’s School replaced fluorescent lights with LED lights and saved $4,500 annually. 
  • St. John Neumann Parish’s Creation Care Team receiving a $7,000 grant to change all conventional lights to LED bulbs and installed attic insulation.  
Laudato Si group picture
"My job is to gather people to do this work of repairing the work and considering others, helping people hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”
– Susan Varlamoff, Laudato Si’ Initiative, St. John Neumann Creation Care Team 

Many of our parishes cannot afford to build environmentally beneficial and cost-efficient practices on their own or don’t know where to begin. They lack the specific knowledge and support for ecofriendly initiatives like energy audits, matching grant opportunities, and funding for new HVAC systems.  

You can help the Laudato Si’ program step in and meet each parish where they are to provide guidance and a plan to become a more efficient environmentally responsible parish. 

With your assistance, we can give our churches the tools they need to begin conserving precious resources and start their own success stories of caring for the earth.  

Taking care of our environment is fulfilling God’s mission of respecting and protecting His divine creation. Giving our churches the support and resources that reduce energy and costs will preserve our parishes for future generations to come and help to grow a culture of caring for creation 

man replacing a light bulb in a school hallway
Learn more about the Laudato Si’ Plan to combat climate change
Listen to the Faith and Sustainability podcast