Life Around the Diocese

Discover the many life-changing works from around the Archdiocese.

Thomas Fagbamiye Black Catholic Ministry

Meet Thomas Fagbamiye, Active Member of Black Catholic Ministry, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

Tessa Liles Campus Ministry

How Tessa Liles Supports Campus Ministry at KSU, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

Marriage and Family Life Ministry

How Teal Haddock Supports Marriage and Family Life Ministry, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

Adult and Family Faith Formation

Meet Suzie Blaydes – Adult and Family Faith Formation 

Hispanic and Latino Ministry

How Sister Miriam Mendoza, RFR Supports Hispanic & Latino Ministry, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal


Meet Ms. Anderson, Teacher and Alum of Saint Peter Claver Catholic School, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

Mark Piendel Office Of Vocations

Meet Mark Piendel, a Seminarian in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

Kevin Catholic Charities Atlanta Mental Health Counseling

How Kevin Supports Catholic Charities Atlanta with Mental Health Counseling, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal

Catholic Schools

How Kelly Kinne Supports Saint Jude the Apostle Catholic School, Funded by Archbishop’s Appeal 

Jesus Alonso Office Of Vocations

Meet Jesus Alonso – Archdiocese of Atlanta Seminarian